Letting Go of the Old
Randy Wolken, President & CEO
The future beckons us, but to get there we must let go of the old. This is the essence of good leadership – letting go and helping others let go of the old. Discerning what we must let go of is a leader’s first task. How good are you at letting go of the old?
I’ve found a useful way to help me let go of the old. I no longer ask, “What do I want to let go of and what do I want to hang on to?” Instead I ask, “What do I want to let go of and what do I want to give myself to?” Letting go is what allows us to give ourselves to something different and new.
Each day we all have a choice. We can choose to do what we did yesterday or we can choose to be and do different things. Sure, we can make the old better. Sometimes that is the best option. However, most times we must venture into the entirely new way of doing things. For most, this requires risk taking. True leaders must take risks. Are you taking enough risks?
We are at the beginning of a new year. I find it very useful to ask myself and others on my team questions related to what we must change. Change is at the heart of leadership. Change that moves us to a better future. Change that serves our customers better. Change that helps us be a better person all-around. What are these actions for you? What might they be for your team? How might change help your community? Leaders must always ask questions related to letting go so we can give ourselves to what’s new. The best leaders I have ever known have helped others fully give themselves to the new.
New is what is desired and required by the world we live in. We can all admit that what is new is not always better, but there’s no denying that the market demands newness. Newness demands letting go. But, how do we do so willingly? How do we lead others on this quest of the new that adds value to customers, our teams and the world? The new year can be a good time to ask these kinds of questions. As you do, ask yourself the following question: What do I want to let go of and what do I want to give myself to?
Enjoy this coming year of giving yourself to the new. When you do, you are leading the way into the future.