Optimism Is The Cure
Randy Wolken, President & CEO
The future remains unclear. As we come through this pandemic, fear and uncertainty can prevent us from taking the necessary steps to rebuild our lives, organizations, and communities. We must not let this fear paralyze our necessary actions and bold attempts to build a better future. Self-confidence in our past successes, along with optimism for a better tomorrow, are what is most needed now.
Individuals and leaders must begin to ask themselves what the critical steps are to creating a brighter tomorrow. Tragedies like the one we are currently facing can limit us if we stay focused on the events that have just occurred. Instead, we need to focus on our opportunities to move forward, learn from the last year, and position ourselves and teams to grow.
Are you optimistic about your future? What can you do to improve your chances of success? What path should your team and organization take to recover and thrive? Who will you need to step forward to help in these efforts?
The pandemic has changed a great deal about our economy and how individual businesses operate. It has added a layer of complexity that has affected most jobs and nearly everyone. These complexities, as we have learned, will not be going away. The impacts of the pandemic will continue to be felt well into the future. Digital delivery and interaction will be a part of nearly everyone’s work and personal life. How we work has changed, and many technologies we learned how to use will only grow in importance. We need to turn our attention to what we will be creating in the future.
I feel a greater optimism occurring. As individuals get vaccinated and economic growth returns, we are poised to turn the corner. I see business growth resuming and more job openings posted. Supply chains are challenged to deliver necessary components. This new growth challenge is upon us. It’s a good problem to have, but one we need to overcome just the same. This will take persistence and hard work.
As we begin to grow back, we look forward to you helping us define how we help you be successful. So much work needs to be done. We want to make sure we are serving your emerging needs. Please contact one of the MACNY team members or me and let us know as new challenges present themselves. We want to make sure we pivot to answer these needs as they arise. Together, I am sure we will be up to the challenge.