MACNY advocacy.

Memo in Support: S.7891 (Mannion) / A.9495 (Hyndman)
Date: Updated May 31, 2022
Bill: S.7891 (Mannion) / A.9495 (Hyndman)
Issue: Advanced recycling and advanced recycling facilities
Position: Support
S.7891 (Mannion) / A.9495 (Hyndman)
The Manufacturers Association of Central New York supports S.7891 (Mannion) / A.9495 (Hyndman), which would define and legalize advanced recycling, which is a heat based, non-incinerating, recycling process for plastics.
MACNY is a not-for-profit association representing more than 300 businesses and organizations across Central and Upstate New York. About three-quarters of MACNY’s members are industrial companies that supply the region, state, and globe with a variety of products and services and employ thousands of individuals.
This bill would regulate advanced recycling technologies as manufacturing facilities, which would enable residents of the state to recycle greater amounts and types of plastics packaging. Advanced recycling could help the state decrease plastic waste and support continued progress toward sustainability goals. A transparent regulatory framework for advanced recycling facilities in New York would advance recycling to grow in the state, which would in turn create jobs and economic development.
According to the American Chemistry Council, converting just 25% of the recoverable plastics in New York to plastic and chemical feedstocks and other products could support approximately 16 advanced recycling and recovery facilities generating $502.4 million in economic output. Advanced recycling also allows more plastics to be turned into a wide variety of new products, keeping them out of landfills and waterways.
While New York currently recycles about 68,112 tons of plastics each year, not all plastics can be cost-effectively recycled mechanically. Advanced recycling refers to several different technologies that convert used plastics into their original building blocks, to produce new plastics, waxes, and other valuable products. Advanced recycling facilities do not handle mixed solid waste and do not dispose of their incoming material. Instead, they create valuable commodities from post-use plastics. By expanding the types of recycled plastics available in the state, New York businesses would be encouraged to use recycled instead of new plastics and materials.
For the above listed reasons, MACNY is supportive of S.7891 (Mannion) / A.9495 (Hyndman).