An overwhelming response has expanded the second SUNY Morrisville and community dairy drive-thru, which will be held Friday, April 17, past the college’s Dairy Complex on Eaton Street (where it was held last week). The free dairy drive is 4-6 p.m. or until products are gone.
Last month we reported on the United Radio Product, Program and Development research team’s efforts to produce 3D face shields that were donated to help in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Some 380 face shield kits were donated to Budmen Industries and the Greater Syracuse Soundstage, for assembly.
Eck Plastic Arts and The Association for Vision Rehabilitation and Employment are teaming up to make face shields during the coronavirus pandemic.
Schedule your appointment today and receive a $10 Amazon gift card for participating.
Madison County manufacturer Marquardt Switches, Inc. recently announced it will supply Ford Motor Company with switches, as the automaker ramps up to produce thousands of ventilators for hospitals caring for COVID-19 patients.
The Jamestown-based Jamestown Container Companies says they’re ramping-up capabilities across its facilities to serve essential customers and the unique challenges presented by the COVID-19 crisis.
CPS Recruitment is here to help!
SUNY Morrisville is holding a dairy drive-through on Friday to support the community while supplies run low at local grocery stores.
JMA led a joint effort with Dr. John Callahan and Syracuse University to quickly develop an emergency mechanical ventilation system. This emergency system is designed to augment existing ventilator supply in the short term, providing key basic ventilation functions to relieve doctors of the need to make life-and-death decisions due to a ventilator shortage. JMA has formed PREVAIL NY, LLC to support design and manufacture of this system.
Like you, AmeriCU is doing everything we can to ensure the safety and health of our members, employees and community. We continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely, and will keep you informed with the most up-to-date information.