Great Leaders Needed Now!
Randy Wolken, President & CEO

More than ever, we need great leaders now! Leaders can be everywhere and anywhere. That is the true nature of leadership, it exists everywhere we turn. However, its quality can be vastly different depending on the situation. We naturally think of leaders in teams, organizations, companies, political entities, nonprofits, and governments. However, we also see leadership demonstrated in our families, friend groups, and informal service efforts to others. Leaders can be everywhere, but the real question is, are these leaders leading in ways that genuinely make a difference?

In many ways today, we are disappointed by those who lead us. We all know when bad leadership is demonstrated. Its impact can be widespread and destructive. What we need is outstanding leadership in our world. When we have great leaders, it makes our lives and the lives of those around us so much better. This is why we crave leaders who inspire and serve others. We want leaders who make tomorrow better than today and do so by working with others creatively and compassionately. Results are necessary for any entity, and how these outcomes are achieved matters significantly to all of us. Leadership is complicated, but we all know why we need great leaders; outstanding leadership leaves us and our world better for future generations.

The good news for all of us is that anyone can be a leader. You don’t need a formal position or title to be a leader. We tend to associate leadership with formal positions within an organization. Top leaders of companies, nonprofits, and governments seem to get all the attention. However, throughout organizations and communities, many leaders exist. Within families and friend groups, leaders emerge, and we all have the opportunity to be leaders. When we choose to be a good leader, we change the quality of life around us, but by choosing to be a great leader we can have a significant impact on others.

Each of us can become a leader who leaves a legacy. It’s not reserved for a select few. That’s what makes being a leader so exciting. We can leave our mark on the world around us. Each of us can become a better leader today. We can map out a course to serve, learn, care, and grow each day. We can observe others leading and take the characteristics from them that matter the most to us. We can develop skills in strategic preparation, project implementation, and serving others. Leaders that wish to leave legacies care about the results and the people who assist in achieving them. Legacies are rarely achieved alone, we need others to create them with us, and to sustain them when the leader moves on to another effort.

No one has to ask to become a leader. So many opportunities exist all around to demonstrate and begin to lead. There are plenty of chances to take the lead in our homes, businesses, nonprofits, and communities. Any task needing to be done requires leadership. It may be informal or formal, but it is a form of leading. You can, and most likely are, a leader already. Owning this responsibility and becoming great at it helps you and many others. You become a leader within the effort when you tackle a task with genuine concern and devotion. How you conduct yourself and what you accomplish will be noticed. Do it with an eye to the future, and it will more likely be done with others in mind and be sustainable.

Leaders who wish to leave legacies are never done with their work, it lasts a lifetime. When you work at it, you will get recognized for how you lead. This is how individuals get promoted and selected for leadership roles. They get things done with the help of others and they give respect and earn it from those around them. Developing into a truly great leader and creating a lasting legacy takes a lifetime. However, this is precisely why we value such leaders.

Great leaders leaving legacies matter so much to the world we live in today. Our challenges can be addressed with great leaders who wish to serve and create a better future. Leaders are needed now. Just look around you. What do you see? I see challenges and opportunities requiring leaders to tackle them and I see individuals willing to work hard together with those leaders. The struggles ahead call for leaders eager to work hard with others to overcome what now confronts us. We need them now more than ever. You can undoubtedly be a great leader who leaves a legacy that lasts!