Each year at our Annual Dinner celebration we like to take a moment to recognize our member companies celebrating exciting milestone anniversaries. This year we will be honoring the following companies on May 23rd at the SRC Arena & Events Center. Congratulations on your anniversary and we wish you many more years of success!

160 Years
Pathfinder Bank

150 Years
St. Joseph’s Health

110 Years
Sturges Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Briggs & Stratton Corporation

100 Years

50 Years

25 Years
Berry Global Inc.
All-Seasonings Ingredients, Inc.

We hope you will join us in congratulating these companies at our Annual Dinner:

May 23, 2019
5 – 9 pm

SRC Arena & Events Center
Click here for tickets or email Julianne Pease at [email protected] to reserve a table of 10.