Our Recovery Is On The Way – So It Seems Like A Good Time For A Change
Randy Wolken, President & CEO
When I started sharing a daily thought in March of this year, I did not expect to continue doing it through the rest of the year. It has been quite a journey. However, it seems like now is the time to adjust my writing to reflect the next phase of our COVID-19 recovery.
The vaccines are starting to arrive in our community. Over the next six months, more and more people will get the vaccine, and we can begin to be together again. I genuinely look forward to that development and being with you in person.
Starting next week, I will continue sharing my weekly message each Friday as a way of sharing my insights as MACNY President & CEO. However, I will reduce the frequency of my Thought for Today writings and they will come to you first thing Monday morning to inspire you for the week ahead.
I have enjoyed sharing my thoughts with you each day. I appreciate you taking the time to read my thoughts and passing them on to others. Many of you have reached out to me over the months and let me know what you have enjoyed. Your kind notes back to me have been wonderful.
MACNY is such a great group of people. I enjoy being a part of your life. This experience has shown me just how much people care for each other here in our MACNY Community.
Please enjoy this Holiday Season. May it be a special time for you and your family.
Be calm, stay safe, and carry on.