On October 3rd, the Syracuse P-TECH freshmen teamed up with 18 Career Coaches to work on a design challenge: the Bucket Tower Project.
Using straws, tape, and a plastic cup, each team had to construct the best design to build a strong “tower” that could support the most amount of pennies placed inside of a plastic cup that was attached to the top of the tower. Teams were given several chances to practice before weighing their final try. Many thanks to the participating Career Coaches who are building not only towers but also relationships with the students:
James Branche – United Radio
Trisha Bullis – National Grid
Joan Cooney – Allen Tool Phoenix
Walter Dengos – National Grid
Casey Driscoll – HSM Packaging
Dan Figueroa – McIntosh Box & Pallet
Scott Hansen – Marquardt Switches
Jose Iribarne – West Rock/Solvay Mill
Leah Isgar – CR Fletcher Associates
Maxwell Krause – G.A. Braun
Mel Menon – Darco Manufacturing
Derek Moon – Byrne Dairy
Mike Navaroli – Johnson Controls
Jamie Plumley – Darco Manufacturing
John Ryan – Marquardt Switches
Jeff Shuster – Ephesus Lighting
Shane Stockhauser – McIntosh Box & Pallet
Matt Wadach – WestRock/Solvay Mill
Chris Yohe – Ephesus Lighting